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Where are the leaders?

Where are the leaders?

Where are the leaders who have a genuine positive regard for people--ALL people?

Where are the leaders who work towards cultivating a real connection to the people they are not only leading, but serving?

Where are the leaders who champion prosocial values of cooperation, collaboration and compassion?

Where are the leaders who communicate directly and honestly while still showing empathy?

Where are the leaders who stay well-informed, well-prepared and who have sharp critical analysis skills?

Where are the leaders who understand that their personal opinions are not facts and their personal experiences do not reflect truths about others’ experiences?

Where are the leaders who take responsibility for mistakes and failures, and recognise gaps in their knowledge and take clear and transparent steps to correct them?

Where are the leaders who have the capacity to be self-reflective—the skill of observing their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours—and the willingness to consider how they are impacting on themselves and others?

Where are the leaders who approach a crisis with both optimism and realism?

Where are the leaders who demonstrate courage in the face of fear and instil hope in times of uncertainty?

Where are the leaders who approach, rather than avoid, difficult situations and conversations, with genuine respect and a willingness to listen?

Where are the leaders who manage emergencies and disasters with the assistance of experts in relevant fields and who develop clear plans that are based on objective and accurate information?

Where are the leaders who not only advocate for equality but who also apply the principle of equity to ensure that everyone has access to information, support and resources based on their individual needs?

Where are the leaders who act with courage, integrity and kindness?

I found myself asking these questions and feeling more and more frustrated with how few people in power I could think of—and then I was reminded of something Lily Tomlin said:

“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”

Where are the leaders? Look no further than yourself.

It’s time for all of us to be the leaders we want others to be.

The truth is, you don’t have to be a politician or a CEO to be a leader. Being a great leader doesn’t require a fancy title, a lot of money, a position of power, or a perfect track record, it requires HUMANITY.

Take these four steps toward leadership:

  1. Replace the words in the above questions, “Where are the leaders who…?” with, “Do I…?”

  2. Answer honestly.

  3. Use your answers to focus on building the skills you need to become a better leader.

  4. Connect with others who are also willing to learn, change and grow.

Now lead.

Dr. Lillian Nejad is a clinical psychologist and author who aims to provide factual, accurate and scientifically-backed information and resources that help people.

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